Esmeralda is a Spanish-German dictionary with more than 172,500 Spanish entries and nearly 460,000 German translations. In addition to Spanish words Esmeralda contains a lot of Latin-American vocabularies with regional meanings or differently interpreted in some of these countries.
Esmeralda offers the following features:
- Word database with more than 172,500 Spanish/Latin-American entries and nearly 460,000 German translations
- Free word search, exact word search, indexed and category search
- Both search directions Spanish and German are possible
- Conjugation tables
- Translations can be assigned to subject areas or are country-specific:
* 89 knowledge areas and topics (e.g. astronomy, film/cinema, cant, climate/meteorology, religion, proverbs)
* 46 countries and regions (e.g. Argentina, Costa Rica, Canary Islands, Nicaragua, Central America)
* Language use (despicable, familiar, figurative, ironical, poetic, rare, regional, vulgar)
* Different kind of verbs (defective, intransitive, reflexive, transitive, impersonal)
- Management of favorite words with email export
- History function with the last looked-up entries
- No internet connection required
Dr. Ingo Paulsen: Idea & Concept, Programming
Mia Paulsen: Illustration & Design